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All orders that paid by 2/4 now have tracking posted! You can track orders on USPS's website. Please be aware that all orders come from China so it will state that "USPS has not received package yet". This just means it is traveling through customs and is normal.Sometimes tracking doesn't update to show that USPS has received the item. Instead it just shows up randomly and updates as delivered in some cases. Please don't submit tickets asking why we haven't shipped your order if this is what your tracking displays ...


Chinese New Year is upon us! We won't be shipping orders from 1/28-2/5. Expect about a week delay to our typical turnaround times. We are back to normal once production resumes on 2/5. We have shipped out all orders that were paid by 1/13. Anything that has come in after will be produced/shipped when our team returns to work! Turnaround times are back to the normal 3-4 weeks we advertise! STRIPE PAYMENTS RE-OPENEDWe just re-opened Stripe payments! We can now accept Credit/debit card, Cashapp, ACH or Apple Pay now t...


Happy New Year Fam! We're happy to say that we're finally caught up from everything that put us behind the last few months. Turnaround times are at or under 4 weeks moving forward! To bring in the new year right we're dropping a Promo for the rest of the month!Promo Code: HNY25Promo code will make every ID in your order $50 per person! Promo codes get applied after you checkout! Your order summary page will display a field where you can input the promo code. If you try to apply a promo code to a resel...

Order Updates! (Please Read)

Over the past few months we've been hit with an array of delays from shipping to production to website issues. We're finally through the worst part of those delays and are catching up on all of our orders.Over the next 2 weeks we should have most orders shipped out that were paid by 11/15. After that we should be getting close to our expected turnaround times of 4 weeks for orders placed in mid to late December.If you need something sooner than this then check our our recent post about Express IDs.All...


We are now happy to offer express production/turnaround options for those that need orders quickly. Express State Options:AL CT DE FL IA IL LA ME MI MN MT NJ NM OK RI SC SD OR UTPricing:$350 per person 3 day turnaround (+$80 for duplicate)There are no discounts for express IDs! You have the option to input a custom Driver's License # for express IDs. Make sure you submit the correct format in your ticket. We are not liable for IDs that don't scan because you supplied a faulty DL # format. Turnaround time be...

**Shipping Update**

Orders have slowly been going out on our end. We're still dealing with delays with our shipping courier though. We have no control over them so we're having slower turnaround times than advertised. We expected to be caught up by now but that has yet to be the case. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused to many of you. For now, turnaround times are about 6+ weeks due to these shipping delays. When things pick back up on our end we will update everyone. N/A Order Status?If you recently paid f...


Been a little behind with tracking updates this past month. We had a delay with our shipping agent supplying us tracking #'s but we just posted up 8 batches today. Go to your My Orders page and check your order status to see if your tracking is posted.We've been pretty slow with our turnaround since late June but we're finally getting turnaround times back down again. We had a bug in our system where orders were excluded from batches for awhile and it exacerbated the issue because people who ordered earlier were ge...

To Our Affiliates!

To those that are apart of our Affiliate Program:We wanted to start off by saying thank you! Without you all, we wouldn't be as big as we've gotten over the years! We typically pay out bi-weekly to those that have submit BTC addresses on their Affiliate panel. If you have yet to get a payment from us and see an outstanding balance then please get in touch with us via our Contact/Support Page. We used to to pay out via CashApp but we can only send payouts in BTC now. You can setup your CashApp to accept BTC once its...

June Update (Stripe, Paypal & Zelle Are Back!)

Batches have been going out weekly and we're finally getting caught back up from all the delays these past few months. Thank you for your patience with us throughout the process! Turnaround is at about 5 weeks currently. We are working to get this back under 4 weeks this month! Stripe, Paypal & Zelle payments are now being accepted again! You can send payments with Cashapp, Credit Card, Apple Pay or ACH via Stripe! Payment Processor UpdateIf you've sent payments to the following accounts please submit a refund ...

April Updates (Please Read)

Shipping DelaysAs most of you can tell we are a bit behind with shipping. We've had some issues with our shipping agent the past week and are working on a resolution. We we're hoping to make an update stating that orders started shipping out again but sadly this hasn't been the case. As soon as we get an update from our shipping agent that packs are going out we will let everyone know.We know your order is delayed so please be patient with us. Yelling at our customer support agents over ticket/live support will not...

UPDATE: CNY Notice, Failed Payments & Spring Break Promo!

Hey FamChinese New Year is upon us and our factory will be shut down from 2/12-2/16. If your order hasn't updated with tracking then it won't be shipped out till after CNY. Our team returns to work 2/17. We are still accepting orders during this time, they just won't be started till after 2/17. Expect longer than usual turnaround times due to CNY. We will update when we are fully caught up from these delays.Payment Failed? Read BelowIf your order status displays as "Payment Failed" please submit a ticket on our Con...

New Years Update (New Promo)

Happy New Year Everyone! We are back from the holidays and we will be catching up on everything! If you're order's payment hasn't been confirmed, don't worry. Our processor was offline for the holidays and they'll be going through all orders within the next 48 hours.If your payment gets marked as "Payment Failed", reach out to us via our Contact Page. Please make sure to retain your tickets tracking ID. This is given to you after you create a ticket. The email function does not work so please don't th...

Shipping Update (*Holiday Promo*)

Hey Fam,Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that we started shipping orders out again earlier in the week. All October orders are finally out and we should have up to mid November orders out by next week. We had some shipping delays to work through on our end again but all should be clear now! Holiday PromoHappy Holidays to everyone! We hope you all closed out the semester strong and are ready to enjoy the winter break! As a courtesy from us to you we are dropping a holiday promotion that will run...

Shipping Has Resumed!

Hey Fam,Orders have started to ship out again. We ran into some delays recently but everything is sorted out now. More tracking will continue to go up over the week. Should be caught back up within the next couple weeks if all goes smooth.Order Status Updates (My Orders Tab)We've noticed a large amount of ticket requests wondering about status updates or claiming they never get any updates once they place an order. Once you place your order, everything you need to know about your order can be found on...

Last Week For Promo!

Hey Fam, Hope all of you are doing well! Just wanted to post a reminder that this is the final week of our $40 promo! Get your orders in now before the coupon code expires!Promo Code: 40PERPromo Ends 10/31/23Bad Photo Contact Support?We've noticed that there are a small number of orders that have this status that have yet to reach out to us! Please contact us over Live Support or through our Contact Page. Make sure to follow all instructions on the Contact Page in order to receive replies. We have replied back to e...

Payment Failed? (Read Here)

Hey Fam,Just wanted to give everyone a heads up so you aren't worrying about a "Payment Failed" status. If you paid using Stripe, Zelle or Paypal then simply reach out to us via Live Support or on our Contact Page if a live rep isn't available. Provide us your order number and a screenshot of your proof of payment via imgur or attach it to your ticket.Once we get that information we will forward it over to our processor to get it corrected. If you order on our site you won't lose money with us! We make sure everyon...

NEW PAYMENTS ADDED! (Promo Code Inside!)

Hope everyone has had a great start to the school year! We're happy to announce that its finally that time of year for one of our promos!PROMO CODE: 40PERValid till 10/31/23Promo code makes each ID $40 no matter the group size! **Note: Reseller rates are still the cheapest rates we offer. If you have reseller history with another vendor, send us a ticket via our Contact Page with picture proof and your account email so we can get you added to our program! NEW PAYMENT OPTIONS ADDEDWe now accepting Apple Pa...

Tracking & Other Updates 8/7/23

Hey fam,Turnaround times are finally getting back down to the regular 4 week window. We’ve shipped out a lot of orders over the past couple weeks and we should be back under 4 week turnaround if all goes smoothly this week. As of this moment all orders that were paid by 7/6 have been shipped out. If you received states with an unedited background or missing UV, just reach out to us via live support or on our Contact Page so we can give you instructions on how to get reprints. Payment IssuesWe’ve been inundated ...

Updates & Other News!

Hey Fam,Orders have been shipping out for the past few weeks. We are still slightly backed up due to the increased volume we've had but we are actively getting caught up! Next week the remainder of all late May orders will be shipped out. Our apologies for the delays on those, some orders had to be restarted due to some automation errors on our end that didn't get noticed till later on.We recently posted more tracking and will be continuing to do so over the upcoming weeks! Reprint RequestsIf you have rec...

Shipping Update!

We've recently been hit with some shipping delays due to customs. We haven't been able to get anything out over the last couple weeks but we should be able to resume shipping later this week if all goes as planned.We apologize for the inconvenience! We will make another update as soon as orders begin to ship out again! Thank you for your patience. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us on our Contact Page or Live Support if we're online! -Evolved...

Tracking Update 5/27/23 (We're Caught Up!)

Happy Friday FamBeen awhile since our last update..We've been working tirelessly to get back on track and we're happy to announce we're officially caught up. Turnaround is back 3-4 weeks. We will continue to ship out more next week! All orders that paid by 5/5 should now have tracking posted on your My Orders page! There are only a few orders that haven't but they will all be going out next week. Reseller? Read HereInterested in reselling the best Fake IDs on the clearnet,?  Check out our Reseller ...

Tracking Update 4/26/23

Hey Fam,Long time since we've posted an update, apologies for the delay on this. We've been posting tracking weekly but just been a bit busier on our end. Tracking UpdateWe have now officially caught up on orders. At this time, any orders that were marked as paid by 4/4 have been updated with tracking. Go check your My Orders page to see your tracking #. Use USPS website to track your order. Turnaround is now at or under 4 weeks at this point. We are going to be shipping more orders out later this week. We are work...

Tracking Update 3/21/23

Hey everyone.. hope you all are enjoying your spring break! Here's an update since we last posted.Tracking UpdateWe've been posting tracking daily for the last couple weeks. We are finally getting caught back up and turnaround times should be back under 4 weeks after this week! As we make this post, all orders that paid by 2/18 have tracking posted to your My Orders page.Paypal is Back!Paypal payments are now being accepted again! We now are accepting the most payments of any other fake ID site! We currently accept...

Tracking Update 3/3/23

Just a heads up since we know people are waiting on tracking from us. Had an issue with payment to our shipping provider this week. We expected to have some batches shipped by today but they got pushed to next week.We have about 10 batches of orders going out all next week that should get us caught up to orders that paid by 2/15. Once all are sent out we should be getting turnaround back under 4 weeks again.Our apologies for the minor delay!Spring Break Promo is still live till the end of this month!Pro...

New States, Cheap Rates, Why Wait? (Spring Break Promo Live)

Whats up fam,We just dropped some new states! We don't have any pictures up yet but we will be updating our site pictures in the near future. We added the following states: DE, KS, LA, nME, MD, nME, MN, MT, OH, nORAll orders are taking about 4 weeks once your orders payment is marked as received on your My Orders page. We just posted more tracking for early January orders. More tracking will be going up next week. Payment Options UpdateWe had to close up some of our payment options recently so we currently are only...

Site Updates, Prices Dropped, Tracking Update (PROMO INSIDE) 1/19/23

Little late but Happy New Year Fam!Hope everyone had a great holiday season/winter break. Since our last post a lot of updates to the site have been made so we will be going over everything that we did in this post.Reseller Prices DROPPED! We’ve heard your requests and we are happy to announce that all states are now available for $30 each for our resellers! If you are interested in becoming a reseller send us a ticket with proof of reselling history. If you have a large order reach out, we can appr...

Tracking Update 12/19/22

Hey everyoneHope you're all having a great holiday season now that exams/classes have come to a close for most of you. We just posted more tracking over the last couple days.Please login to your accounts and check your order status on your My Orders page to see if your tracking was posted :)Note: We have about 10 orders from mid-November that were delayed due to some photos not working with our automated system. Those orders will be in the next tracking update that goes up sometime next week.Orders are at about 4 ...

Tracking Update 12/1/22 (Promo Live)

Hey Fam,Just posted more tracking! Please check your order status to see if your order was updated. We've been catching up since the Chinese holidays in October set us back. We should have been completely caught up by now but due to the lock downs and protests in China its been a bit more difficult than we expected.We just updated our My Orders page to be a lot easier to understand. Factory 2 has been removed.. This should help reduce the confusion for our customers since now all orders come from our o...

Looking For Reviews <33

Hey Fam,Hope everyone is having an amazing week and looking forward to Thanksgiving! Since its the holiday season we'd like to extend an offer out to anyone that has received from us recently and is happy with our product. We are looking for reviews on a few platforms in exchange for a free state of your choice.We are seeking to get new reviews on FIDV, Discord, &amp; IG/TikTok. If you can do Discord and FIDV we will give you one free state, if you can review on all 4 platforms we will give you 2 fr...

Status Update 11/14

Hey Fam, We just posted a ton of tracking over the last day or so. We’ve been a bit behind due to the Chinese Holiday from early October. We were unable to produce for a week and our shipping channels took a bit longer to get back up to speed once they reopened.Factory 1 OrdersLike we mentioned above, all tracking has been posted for September and half of October orders. We are working tirelessly to get the remainder of October orders out within the next week or so. After that we will be caught up and back to 3 w...

Update 10/5/22

Hey FamJust wanted to make a brief update with whats going on. We have closed our domestic office temporarily to get caught up on everything and to reorganize/streamline our process so slow turnaround is a thing of the past when it reopens :)Here is a summary of whats happening with each of our production facilities.Factory 1 OrdersThere have been some delays between September and October for Factory 1 because of Chinese Holidays. Everything that has a tracking number has been shipped out before Golden Week. Orders...

Back from the Dead (Updates on Everything)

Hey Fam,Not sure where to begin but just want to start off with apologizing for the lack of updates all of last month. Its been a bit hectic on our end trying to track everything down but we finally have a solid update to give everyone an idea when they should be receiving their orders. Domestic Orders (Factory 2)We are completely aware that a lot of you are missing orders from the last 2-3 months. Our reshippers decided to basically screw us over by withholding packs even after receiving payment. Large parts of ea...

Updates 7/20: We're Caught up! + Promo Code Inside :)

Hey Fam!Hope everyone is having a great summer! We have great news for all of our current customers as well as our future customers that are interested in ordering! We will officially be caught up on all orders after this week! Overseas Production (Factory 1)If you've been waiting on an order please check your "My Orders" page now as we've posted tracking for orders up to 7/5. We are now back to our desired turnaround for this factory and it should improve moving forward. Track orders on ...

How To Track Order

Hey Fam,We've been using some alternative shipping couriers to help reduce turnaround times for IDs produced overseas. To track your order please use: site will automatically detect the shipping provider and give you a tracking update. -Evolved...

Updates Updates Updates 6/28

Hey FamHere’s some updates since we last posted an updateFactory 1 Orders (Overseas Production)We have been updating orders with tracking about once a week. We're aware that there are some orders that have yet to update on tracking. They will either be scanning in the next week or so or we will be providing new tracking numbers for those.We are waiting on a few batches to scan in with our shipping couriers before we post tracking. Orders up to late may should have tracking by the end of this week/early next.If yo...

Update 5/21: Domestic & Overseas Shipping Updates

Hey fam.. we just want to be completely honest with everyone right now so here are some more updates: Domestic OfficeWe are a little backed up at our domestic office. We're currently under staffed due to a couple of our workers being out sick with covid. We still have someone working but orders are going out a bit slower than we expected. We’re hoping to get everyone back to work this week so we can finally catch up on everything. We had 2 issues that went unnoticed since starting. CT orders were missing some sig...

Mass Update 5/5: Custom Domains & Shipping Updates

Hey Fam Sorry for the lack of updates it has been nothing but work on our side this past month so forgive us for leaving everyone in the dark. We have been working on a bunch of things in the background and we’re happy to finally update our customers with what’s been going on :)Custom Domain Panel
We're excited to announce that our custom domain system is officially live! This feature is specifically designed for our resellers so they can make the most money while doing the least amount of work! The days of m...

Shipping Update 3/25: Delayed Orders Shipping, Custom Domains, Domestics Shipping!

Hey Fam Good news, packages are finally starting to update with USPS and we are shipping them out as fast we can! We posted a ton of tracking over the last few days and we will continue to keep posting more over the next week! We will have all orders paid by up to early March shipped out by the end of this month if all goes well. We have updated our shipping method for our overseas IDs that will get turnaround back to the 3-4 week range. Due to the changes to our shipping process, costs have increased a lot on ou...

3/7 Update: Barcodes Fixed, Payment Options Re-Opened

Still having a rough time on our end with reshippers receiving batches. We are reprinting yet again due to more losses. We are changing the way we ship moving forward because of this. With the amount of orders owed its probably going to take about 1-2 weeks to get everything reprinted and shipped out.Order Status ChangesIf you noticed that your order went from "RTPcompleted" back to "Payment Received", do not panic. This is just us regenerating the barcodes on our end. It took us a bit longer to fix a...

Updates 2/19: Barcodes, Shipping, Domestics & Custom Domains

Whats up Fam?First thing is first, apologies for the lack of updates as of late. We know we've been away for a bit the past month or so. As always, we try to keep all of our customers in the loop as much as possible but we can't always detail as much as we'd like so we can keep our crew safe and packs from being snagged. Here's an update for everything that's been going on in the background the past month! Barcode UpdatesWe are aware about all of the apps that recently updated their software to detect fake ids. We...

Shipping Update 1/8/22

Happy New Year Everyone!Wanted to give an update on all orders that haven't updated with tracking.We were hit with some seizures late last month that delayed a good amount of orders. If your order is past the 4-6 week mark then it's most likely being reprinted due to these seizures. Your orders will update with tracking as soon as they've been shipped. We have no way to avoid these kind of things, sometimes customs just gets lucky. All orders have been started being remade. We hope to have those reshipp...

Shipping Update 12/23

Happy Holidays Everyone! Its been awhile since we've made an update so here's the most up to date news we have! Shipping/Tracking UpdateAll orders that have received tracking should have been received at this point or they are close to being delivered. If you receive anything with small signatures or apostrophes in the date please don't hesitate to reach out to us.We have been reprinting a fair amount of orders due to seizures happening within customs. This in no way affects your receiving address but it unfortunat...

How to Contact Us!

Hey everyone, hope the holidays are treating you well! Since we've dealing with shipping delays over the past couple months, we realize that getting in touch with us is of the utmost importance. We provide quite a few ways for you to get in touch with us so we can keep your minds at ease while you wait for your Fake IDs to arrive. Read below to see all the available options for contacting us! 1. Contact PageThis is probably the best way to get in touch with us since we have a CS rep checking tickets actively...

Affiliate Update!

Hey Fam!Just paid out all of our Affiliates that uploaded a BTC address to pay out to. If you think you were missed please get in touch with me! Thanks for being patient with us on this payment! Sorry it took so long. We needed to fix a few things on our end to pay everyone out, we've just been extremely busy with everything else.If you’re looking for a way to generate some extra cash and/or stack up some BTC on this dip, you should check out our Affiliate Program now!Affiliate Program Link: https:/...

Tracking Update

Hey everyone!We updated a fair amount of orders with tracking that we had to reprint due to USPS keeping their head up their ass the last month or so. We are still catching up but all September orders have now been updated with tracking and should have arrived by nowThere are a handful of orders that we have noted for reprints because they never moved once they scanned in with USPS. If your order has a tracking number that hasn't updated in a few weeks, please get in touch with us via ticket or thro...

Shipping Updates 11/10/21

Sorry everyone for being away for so long, we know this is a bit overdue.Since our last post a few weeks ago, not a lot has changed. Everything we mentioned in this post has still been affecting us except now its more so USPS delaying orders. We have been dealing with a higher the usual amount of packages that are taking weeks to scan in due to USPS being delayed nationwide. Some packs scan in while others never do. So its been tough on our end because we have to wait longer than usual before we consider ...

Shipping Delays & Updates

Hey everyone, Wanted to address the delays that a good amount of orders are currently experiencing along with a few other things. We hate having to do this but we'd rather keep you updated than leave you in the dark. Worldwide Shipping DelaysWe have noticed packages taking noticeably longer to arrive in the US. This has caused delays with tracking getting posted and orders taking longer to arrive than advertised. We have no control over this and its causing turnaround to times to be a little sporadic.USPS seems to ...

BTC Orders Notice! (Venmo Removed)

BTC Order NoticeWe've noticed a bunch of BTC orders being underpaid in the last week of reopening. Make sure to pay your BTC orders in full! Send us the exact amount requested to avoid any delays. If you underpay your order, it will NOT be started! If you've paid an order in full and it still hasn't been marked as paid then please reach out to us on our Reddit account u/evolvedidzOur Contact page is going to be down for the next week while we focus on fixing some other site related issues. If you need to get in tou...

We're Back Online!

Hey everyone!Sorry for the delay. Haven't been able to get back online till today.The promo will be extended till the end of October due to the site being down the past couple weeks.$45 PromoPROMO CODE: 45FAMNOTE: Apply code at the end on the order overview page!All orders will be marked as paid later today and we will get back to all of our messages, tickets &amp; comments in the next 24-48 hours!Thanks for being patient with us these last 2 weeks! Just a heads up, China is shut down for this week due to h...

Site Related Issues? (Please Read)

Have any of you been encountering issues with our new site?Please send us a ticket and request for admin so we can try to get them fixed. Tell us exactly what happens and when the issue appears. We also need to know if you are accessing our site via desktop or mobile and which browser you're using.Current Issues Mentioned&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Photos won't upload to the order form. They act as if they are uploading but once they seem to finish, the thumbnails do not show on the order form. This has...

Old Site Link & Important Info

If you guys need to access our old site please use the following link: You can login with your old account information here to check orders you haven’t received yet. You can also access your tickets via this Contact page. We will be going through tickets &amp; messages later today now that we have this upNOTE: You need to create a new account to use our new site! We we're unable to transfer old accounts to this site for security reasons so please create a new account :)We will keep our ...


Hey everyone,We appreciate your patience with us while we updated our website these last couple weeks. For the extended wait we are having a promo on all of our IDs! Promo code will get you any ID for $45 each. Simply apply the code below at checkout !Promo Code: 45FAMThis code will be available for a limited time so use it while its active :)-Evolved...


Welcome to the new site Fam! After weeks of testing we're back better than ever!This website is brand new from top to bottom so we no longer have your old order information. Please create a new account on the registration page to use. You can use the same emails you did before but make sure they are real so you can receive our email confirmations when we activate that feature. If you still have an old order you're waiting on we will have our old site stay up&nbsp; so you can check on those till they arri...