NEW PAYMENTS ADDED! (Promo Code Inside!)
Hope everyone has had a great start to the school year! We're happy to announce that its finally that time of year for one of our promos!
Valid till 10/31/23
Promo code makes each ID $40 no matter the group size!
Reseller rates are still the cheapest rates we offer. If you have
reseller history with another vendor, send us a ticket via our Contact Page with picture proof and your account email so we can get you added to our program!
We now accepting Apple Pay, Credit Card, CashApp and ACH/Bank Transfer for payments now. We've also re-added Paypal to our payment options!
Payments are taking about 1-3 days to get confirmed with these options. Keep in mind that order turnaround doesn't start till payments are marked as received.
Tracking Updates
We've recently uploaded a lot of new tracking and will be adding more later in the week. Order turnaround has improved and has been ranging anywhere from 3-5 weeks. We should be consistently at 3-4 weeks by the end of September assuming all goes well!
Affiliates & Resellers
We want give a big thank you to all of our Affiliate Program users! We've seen a huge increase of people taking advantage of our Affiliate program and we've been paying out a ton to those that are referring people to our site!
If you're interested in making easy money by simply referring customers to our site then check out our Affiliate Page for more information! If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Live Support or submit a ticket on our Contact Page.
can't forget about our resellers! Thank you for your continued support
through the ups & downs! We strive to have the best website of any
vendor and we will be making more updates to the site for our resellers
to make it even easier to place large orders without spending hours of
time on it.
Currently the best feature we offer to resellers
is our custom domain panel! This allows you to create infinite custom
links to share with your clients to accept orders. No need to gather
information to manually input on our site. Simply send a link and have
your customers fill out their own order information without giving up
your source! Collect their money once the order is placed then pay us
our fee and you net the rest
These custom links allow you to
basically have you're own website without the hassle of hiring a web
developer or dealing with a bunch of other fees!
If you're interested in reselling for us and have reseller history with another vendor, simply reach out to us via Live Support or our Contact Page with your account email and picture proof of reseller history and we'll go from there :)
Thanks for taking the time to read! A lot more tracking should be going up over the next few days :)