Order Updates! (Please Read)
Over the past few months we've been hit with an array of delays from shipping to production to website issues. We're finally through the worst part of those delays and are catching up on all of our orders.
the next 2 weeks we should have most orders shipped out that were paid
by 11/15. After that we should be getting close to our expected
turnaround times of 4 weeks for orders placed in mid to late December.If
you need something sooner than this then check our our recent post
about Express IDs.
All tickets have been replied to if your order has shipped. If you submitted a ticket and are still waiting on tracking, we are not ignoring you. We just don't have your tracking yet. As soon as we do, any person that requested tracking via ticket will receive it! Spamming us with tickets will not make us reply any faster so please hold tight for us to reply back to your original ticket.
N/A Order Status?
Currently there's a visual bug on some user's My Orders page. Customers that paid for their orders between 12/1-12/9 may have this status showing incorrectly. If you paid the correct amount in BTC then we should have your order noted on our end. We are waiting on our dev to fix this status bug so the correct order status displays in the future. There's nothing you need to do to get this fixed.
If we don't have this fixed within the next few weeks then you can always submit a ticket through our Contact Page for manual updates! Please make sure to read the instructions on that page so you can receive our replies. The email function does NOT work so don't think we're ignoring your ticket. EVERY ticket gets a reply
Custom Domains Fixed
Custom domains we're down for most of last week. We had to replace our domains that we provided. If you are a reseller that uses custom domains, simply delete your old domains and create new ones. Any orders that were placed under the old domains are still usable but the domains itself can no longer be used.