UPDATE: CNY Notice, Failed Payments & Spring Break Promo!
Hey Fam
Chinese New Year is upon us and our factory will be shut down from 2/12-2/16. If your order hasn't updated with tracking then it won't be shipped out till after CNY. Our team returns to work 2/17.
We are still accepting orders during this time, they just won't be started till after 2/17. Expect longer than usual turnaround times due to CNY. We will update when we are fully caught up from these delays.
Payment Failed? Read Below
If your order status displays as "Payment Failed" please submit a ticket on our Contact Page. Make sure to include your order number, payment type and a screenshot of your proof of payment so we can get that forwarded to our processor. We typically reply to tickets within 24 hours and have the status fixed within 72 hours if you include everything we ask for in your original ticket.
Make sure to follow the instruction on the Contact page in order to receive a reply from us. We will NOT email you. Your ticket's tracking ID is what you need to check back for future replies.
If you forgot your ticket's tracking ID, submit another ticket and make sure to keep note of that tracking ID.
Spring Break Promo
Our Spring Break Promo is still live!
Promo Code: SB2024
Use the code after you checkout! You can enter the code on your Order Summary page. Go to your My Orders page and select 'View/Edit". You will see the promo code field on this page.
Note: Do NOT use code more than once! Code is only valid for NON-Reseller accounts. Resellers already have the cheapest rate!
Promo Code changes all ID prices to $40 per person no matter the group size! There are limited uses for the code so once all the entries have been used the promo ends! Get your order in now so you can lock in our lowest rates!
Promo ends 4/1/24 or when all entries have been used!
Thank you for your continued support! We will post another update when operations are back to normal!