Welcome to the new site Fam!
After weeks of testing we're back better than ever!
This website is brand new from top to bottom so we no longer have your old order information. Please create a new account on the registration page to use. You can use the same emails you did before but make sure they are real so you can receive our email confirmations when we activate that feature.
If you still have an old order you're waiting on we will have our old site stay up so you can check on those till they arrive. We will add a link for the old site on the login page. All you need to do is click that link and login on the old site with your old login. We can still help you out with anything related to those orders via our Contact page. All of our tickets transferred over to this site so just reply back to an existing ticket if you need assistance with an older order.
Thank you for your patience throughout this process. If you encounter any issues, please submit a ticket via the Contact page and give us as many details as possible. Request for Admin to be tagged so we can get them fixed up ASAP!